The Indiana
University School of Medicine Department of Pediatrics conducts
a weekly Grand Rounds education series.
Grand Rounds are held on Wednesday mornings
from 8-9 am in both a Zoom and live audience format.
Participants are able to receive
continuing medical education (CME) credit. Grand Rounds in the Department of
Pediatrics serves as an integral part of the educational experience across all
levels of learning – attendance is encouraged for medical
students, residents, fellows and faculty as well as
our collaborating IU Health partners in pediatrics across multiple disciplines. Topics and presenters
are selected to reflect timely issues and
knowledge in the treatment of pediatric patients, their
families, and the providers who care for them.
Pioneering Innovation: The Role of M.D. Trainees and Young Faculty in Developing Novel Therapies for Neurofibromatosis Type 1 Over 30 Years D. W. Clapp, MD Chair,…
Planting the "SEED" of Health Equity using the maintenance of certification framework Learning objectives: Define healthcare disparity and…
Risk, Self-Regulation, and the Promise of Education Steven J. Holochwost Lehman College & the Graduate Center, City University of New York This…
Myasthenia Crises in ChildrenDeborah K. Sokol, PhD, MDJonathan Go, DOArjun B. Kumar, MDFatiha Iqbal, DO Learning objectives: 1. Identification of Myasthenic…
KLEIMAN LECTURE: Influenza Disease and Vaccines in Specialized Populations Natasha Halasa, MD, MPHCraig Weaver Professor of PediatricsPediatric Infectious Diseases
KIM LECTURESHIP: Revolutionizing Healthcare: Bridging the Gap between Clinicians and Patients NICHOLAS KELLY MS, RD, LDREGISTERED AND LICENSED DIETITIAN
Tummy Troubles: Diagnosis and Management of Pain Predominate Disorders of the Gut/Brain Interaction in Children Kate Hawa, DOAssistant Professor of Clinical Pediatrics
Opsoclonus Myoclonus Ataxia Syndrome: Diagnosis, Treatment, and Updates Elizabeth Wilson, MD, Assistant Professor, Division of Neurology Cincinnati Children's…
Applying a Genetic-First Approach in Psychiatry: The Case of RASopathies Tamar Green, M.D., Assistant ProfessorDivision of Interdisciplinary Brain SciencesStanford…
KARDATZKE LECTURESHIP: Improving Perinatal Health and Mental Health Outcomes: International Perspectives Tanika Eaves, Ph.D., LCSW, IMH-Eâ is an Associate…
6th Annual IU Pediatric QI Competition Neuroprotective Bundle in Preterm Infants: A QI Initiative to Reduce Severe IVH Laura Blazier,…
Leveraging Fasting Signals in the Liver to Treat Obesity and Metabolic Disease Brian DeBosch MD, PhD Professor and Co-Division Chief Center Director…
Critical care management of cerebral edema in infants and children
Buckle Up! A Crash Course in Trauma Care for Pediatricians at Riley Matthew Landman, MD, MPH, FAAP, FACS Associate Professor of Surgery, Division of…
High Flow Nasal Cannula: The Panacea for All Breathing Problems Samer Abu-Sultaneh, MD, FAAP, FCCM Professor of Clinical Pediatrics Co-Chair, IUSM…
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